Lifestyle Economics

New nanny statist terminology will not reduce Britain’s expanding waistline


Energy and Environment

Andy Mayer writes in CapX

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Mail

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has been quoted in The Daily Mail discussing the NHS’ decision to change language around obesity.

Responding to the NHS’ use of the terms ‘severe obesity’ and ‘living with obesity’ to describe obesity rates among children, Christopher said:

“I’ve seen this kind of phrasing appear more and more in the last few years

“It is clumsy politically correct terminology designed to make obesity look like an affliction rather than something individuals can change.”

Christopher also criticised the NHS’ use of Body Mass Index to determine obesity, saying:

“They are living with a perfectly healthy weight but have been wrongly classified as obese by an arbitrary and unjustifiable mathematical calculation. The true rate of obesity among children is far lower than these figures suggest”

The full article can be read here.


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