Lifestyle Economics

Nanny state tax on salt and sugar will raise the cost of living


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in the Daily Mail

In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in the Independent

Christopher Snowdon quoted in City AM

A government review by Leon co-founder Henry Dimbleby has called for the introduction in salt and sugar taxes to reduce levels of obesity. The plans would  introduce a £3/kg tax on sugar and £6/kg tax on salt.

Reacting to the report in City AM, IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics, Christopher Snowdon, said the plans would “clobber ordinary people” adding: “At a time of rising inflation, after the deepest recession in 300 years, Mr Dimbleby really needs to read the room. He rightly says that a meat tax would be unpopular and regressive. If Boris Johnson is foolish enough to act on these recommendations, he will soon find the same is true of taxing basic nutrients.”

Read the full article here.

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