Lifestyle Economics

Minimum Unit Pricing Has Failed to Tackle Alcohol Harms


Economic Theory

Kristian Niemietz writes for CapX


Kristian Niemietz writes for The Telegraph

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Mail

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has been quoted in The Daily Mail responding to new data showing a rise in alcohol death in the UK, with Scotland leading the way with its highest number of deaths related to alcohol since 2008 despite the introduction of minimum pricing per unit of alcohol in an effort to reduce harms.

Christopher said:

“The UK-wide increase in alcohol-related deaths since 2020 clearly has nothing to do with the price of alcohol. The focus needs to be on treatment.”

Read the full article here.

Christopher has also been quoted in the Scottish Daily Express criticising the Scottish government’s latest proposals to double down on its approach to alcohol harms.

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