Mark Littlewood to Step Down as IEA Director General and Successor Search Begins


Energy and Environment

Andy Mayer quoted in This is Money

Energy and Environment

Andy Mayer quoted by City AM

After a distinguished 14-year tenure, Mark Littlewood is stepping down as the IEA’s Director General.

Littlewood will remain in post until a successor has been appointed and is in place to ensure a seamless transition.

The Board of Trustees has begun the search for a new Director General.

Director General Mark Littlewood said:

“It’s never easy to judge the right time to move on from a job you truly love. My time here at the IEA has been the most fulfilling and enjoyable period of my working career. I have worked alongside brilliant and inspiring colleagues and made lifelong friendships. But this feels like about the right time to move on. I feel if I don’t leave this role soon, I might stay here forever and however much that appeals in concept, change can be a force for good. I wish my successor every success in what is one of the best jobs in Britain and will do everything to support them in taking the IEA to ever greater heights.”

Chairman of the Board of Trustees Linda Edwards said:

“Mark Littlewood leaves an indelible mark on the IEA after leading us through a period of remarkable growth. He has built the IEA into a powerful voice in the public debate, overseen a rejuvenation of the Institute’s research programme, forged close ties with key stakeholders, and promoted a huge expansion in our student outreach. We extend our deepest gratitude to Mark for his unwavering commitment and significant contributions. His dedication has strongly positioned us for future success.

“The search for the new Director General will be wide-ranging. They will be tasked with upholding the IEA’s legacy while leading the organisation into its next phase of growth and impact. In these times of economic challenge, the Institute’s role in paving the way to a freer and more prosperous future could not be more important.”


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