Society and Culture

“Legal but harmful” is a blank cheque for online censorship


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon writes in The Spectator

Energy and Environment

Marc Glendening writes for Conservative Home

IEA Head of Cultural Affairs Marc Glendening has written for Conservative Home warning that the Online Safety Bill’s “legal but harmful” provision could be used by a left-wing government to stifle online speech.

Outlining the disregard for free speech among many on the left, Marc wrote:

“Their agenda is to turn Britain in its entirety into one giant ‘safe space’ in which the contemporary, Culture-Control Left (CCL) get to dictate what opinions make the identity groups they claim to represent ‘unsafe’.”

Marc also highlighted the dangers of giving a future left-wing government ill-defined powers to censor online speech:

“The extension of regulation in the way proposed would open the floodgates for greater state enforced political censorship which is what the CCL are desperate for. Stonewall, naturally, wants what it considers to be transphobic disinformation communicated by newspapers subject to state censorship. Just imagine how a future Labour government might use these powers.”

The full article can be read here.

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