Society and Culture

Labours trans-u-turn changes little


In the Media

IEA research quoted by Just Drinks


Steve Davies quoted by Lad Bible

Marc Glendening writes for Conservative Home

IEA Head of Cultural Affairs Marc Glendening has written for Conservative Home explaining how Labour’s trans-u-turn shouldn’t give voters hope for fewer authoritarian policies. 

Marc wrote:

“Sir Keir Starmer, after much contemplation, now appears to believe that a female human cannot, after all, have a penis (though, naturally, he still hasn’t said this in as many words).

“The two potential threats to free speech identified earlier need be seen also in the context of Labour’s plan to introduce Section 40 as a way of forcing newspapers to submit to state media regulation. The left now seeks the state oversight of all communication.

“The stranglehold that cultural authoritarianism today enjoys clearly extends well beyond the natural boundaries of the left, as the Online Safety Bill sadly testifies. Likewise, the battle to save free speech requires the building of a coalition that reaches beyond the confines of the centre right.”

You can read the full article here.

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