Energy and Environment

Labour’s proposed energy cap will only extend the crisis


In the Media

Dr James Forder quoted in the Mirror

Energy and Environment

Andy Mayer quoted in City A.M.

Andy Mayer quoted in the Daily Mail

Andy Mayer, IEA energy analyst, has been quoted in the Daily Mail on Labour’s solution to rising energy bills.

Responding to Keir Starmer’s policy proposal to cap energy prices this winter and further increase the windfall tax, he says:

“High UK energy prices are caused by a global shortage of gas and domestic energy policies.

“Labour’s proposal to punish companies for investing in the North Sea and continue a ban on fracking will extend the supply crisis.

“It will leave us more exposed to expensive imports, unable to help Europe reduce its reliance on Russia, and with lower tax returns from drilling.

“This will inevitably mean higher bills or taxes for far longer than letting markets work.”

Read the articles here and here.

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