Labour Market

Labour’s ‘new deal for working people’ is reheated Corbynism


Government and Institutions

Annabel Denham writes for The Spectator

In the Media

IEA research cited in the Guardian

Prof. Len Shackleton writes for CapX

IEA Editorial and Research Fellow, Prof. Len Shackleton, commented on the Labour Party’s plans to overhaul the UK labour market which includes a  French-style ‘right to disconnect’ and a ‘real living wage’ of at least £10 an hour for all ages in an op-ed for CapX.

Len argued: “Of course, these proposals will appeal to some voters. But there’s no real attempt to show how these changes would help us maintain the recovery which a flexible labour market has made possible. Instead they could well make it less attractive for businesses to take workers on, could lead to increased union militancy, and would certainly increase bureaucracy and public spending“.

Read the full article here.

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