Energy and Environment

Just Stop Oil snooker protest ‘a self-indulgent strop’



Matthew Lesh quoted in City AM, The Guardian, and Reaction


Matthew Lesh quoted in The Independent and the i

Christopher Snowdon writes in Spiked!

IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has written in Spiked! criticising the actions of radical environmentalist groups after a protester climbed onto a table and disrupted the World Snooker Championship.

Christopher wrote:

“In January, Extinction Rebellion made a New Year’s resolution to give up ‘public disruption’, after noticing that there was no sign of the UK taking up its policy of full decarbonisation by 2025, despite many of its members languishing in Wormwood Scrubs

“It is not a novel observation that these tactics are self-defeating. Just Stop Oil and its fellow travellers’ sole contribution to civilisation has been to disprove the theory that there is no such thing as bad publicity. While Europe suffers from a painful shortage of fossil fuels, stunts from the likes of Just Stop Oil only serve to remind the public that they are a bunch of idiots. At least when they blockade petrol stations, there is some sort of coherent message. The link between snooker and the oil industry, by contrast, is not immediately obvious.”

Read Christopher’s full article here.

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