Labour Market

JETS is unlikely to make much of a difference, says IEA expert


In the Media

IEA research and open letter featured in the Mail Online

In the Media

IEA open letter featured in City AM

Contact: Emily Carver, Media Manager, 07715 942 731

Responding to the launch of the Government’s £238m JETS (Job Entry Targeted Supportscheme, IEA Editorial and Research Fellow Professor Len Shackleton, said:

“The JETS is unlikely to make much of a difference.

“The scheme is a repackaging of already announced extra funding for work coaches for the unemployed, but from the details given so far there is no startling new feature.

“Worthy help for people who find it difficult to write CVs or present themselves at interview has long been a feature of the work of Jobcentres, often outsourced to charity providers such as Shaw Trust.

“This scheme will initially start with those who have been unemployed for 13 weeks, so will be dealing with those who were out of work in the Spring, not those who are currently losing jobs as furlough ends.

“It will offer relatively little to people who were employed in good jobs which have been destroyed by COVID-19 regulations, or well-qualified young graduates entering the labour market in the summer.

“The Chancellor would do better to push for an early end to restrictions on people-facing businesses, and ensure that all continuing restrictions are based on evidence rather than ‘sending signals’ to a misbehaving public.

“In the medium term he should press his colleagues in the Government to undertake a comprehensive programme of deregulation of product and labour markets, to make it easier to create new businesses to generate the jobs of the future.”


Notes to editors

For media enquiries, please contact Emily Carver, Media Manager, on 07715 942 731.

Professor Len Shackleton is available for interview and further comment.

For further IEA reading on how the labour market can recover from Covid-19, click here.

The mission of the Institute of Economic Affairs is to improve understanding of the fundamental institutions of a free society by analysing and expounding the role of markets in solving economic and social problems. The IEA is a registered educational charity and independent of all political parties.

1 thought on “JETS is unlikely to make much of a difference, says IEA expert”

  1. Posted 01/02/2022 at 12:54 | Permalink

    JETS has successfully made massive impact and a huge difference to many people’s lives and continues to do so. The level of support offered during the 6 months programme is phenomenal. Targeted to get people into employment within 6 months. Not only is the programme focussing on supporting people to enhance their digital skills, health and well-being and employability. The high level of support from a dedicated Advisor encourages the participant to take ownership, make choices, complete courses, identify individual and transferable skills.

    Jets has evolved to reflect the needs of all participants with multiple barriers. If a participant requires more more specific or intensive support they will be referred to programmes such as: WHP (Work & Health Programme) or IPES, (Intensive Personalised Employment Support) Which are both more focused on supporting people with disabilities and/or more complex barriers.

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