Society and Culture

Jacinda Ardern’s ‘Zero Covid’ strategy is proving tragic for New Zealanders

Matthew Lesh writes for The Telegraph

Matthew Lesh, IEA Head of Public Policy, has written an article for The Telegraph on Jacinda Ardern’s decision to impose harsh restrictions on New Zealanders following an outbreak of Omicron cases.

“More alarming is the announcement that household contacts of positive cases will have to isolate for up to 24 days – effectively imprisoning citizens for over three weeks. This long isolation period risks discouraging people from getting tested, undermining the entire policy.”

“The new domestic restrictions come as the country’s border controls develop into a full-blown humanitarian tragedy. New Zealand has been closed to most foreigners for almost two years. Citizens must enter a literal lottery for one of a small number of hotel quarantine rooms.”

Read the full article here.

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