Labour Market

It would be “an act of self-sabotage” to ramp up regulation post-pandemic


In the Media

Julian Jessop and Philip Booth quoted in The Sun

In the Media

Shanker Singham quoted in Financial Times

Annabel Denham writes for City AM

The Resolution Foundation released a report this week, arguing that we need more regulation and a ‘post-pandemic settlement’ to protect low-paid workers.

But as the IEA’s Director of Communications Annabel Denham argues in a debate column for the City AM, if we are to recover quickly from the current economic downturn, it’s “time to loosen red tape, not tighten it.”

Annabel added: “The government displayed fortitude in suspending gender pay gap reporting and allowing construction sites to work longer hours. Labour market prospects are bleak. But a panoply of regulations is not the solution.

Read the full column here.

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