Tax and Fiscal Policy

It is time to clear up the confusion over social care


Government and Institutions

Emily Carver writes for Conservative Home

Annabel Denham writes for The Spectator

Annabel Denham, the IEA’s Director of Communications, has written her fortnightly column in The Spectator on Boris Johnson’s changes to social care.

Annabel posits that the debate around social care has been hampered by a widespread misunderstanding of two key concepts.

“First, we must ask how we provide for those who have neither income nor assets to pay themselves. The secondary issue, which receives vastly more attention, is how we assuage fears that those with the means will be expected to fund their own care. In short: it simply isn’t true that Johnson’s social care plans will ‘leave the poorest in England paying a larger share of costs'”.

Read the full article here.

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