Lifestyle Economics

IEA: It is “not a crime” to eat a sandwich

Christopher Snowdon responds to Professor Dame Sally Davies's final report on childhood obesity

Commenting on Professor Davies’s final commissioned report focusing on childhood obesity, the IEA’s Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon said:

“The suggestion that it be a crime to eat a sandwich on a train brings Dame Sally’s tenure as Chief Medical Officer to a fittingly authoritarian conclusion. During the time she’s spent in the job, her policy ideas have become synonymous with the silliest extremes of the nanny state. Over the years, the thirst for taxing things has only exceeded by the thirst for banning things.

“We can only hope that her successor focuses on serious public health issues, such as tackling the growing measles epidemic, rather than regulating the size of pizzas and banning snacking in public.”

Notes to editors:

For media enquiries please contact Emma Revell, Communications Manager: 07931 698 246

For further IEA reading the nanny state, click here.

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