
Increased NHS salaries exhibits “entitlement and extravagance”, says IEA researcher


In the Media

Len Shackleton comments for the Times

In the Media

Sam Collins comments for the Daily Mail

Christopher Snowdon comments for The Telegraph

Christopher Snowdon, IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics, has commented for The Telegraph on reports that NHS Senior Managers’ pay has risen 65% in the last decade.

Christopher characterised the findings as “inflated salaries for bureaucrats and managers”.

“The UK spends more money on healthcare than most EU countries and yet we have half as many hospital beds as Estonia and only two-thirds as many doctors as Lithuania”

“Protected from the discipline of the free market, the NHS’s near-monopoly on healthcare has allowed a culture of entitlement and extravagance to flourish. While the rest of the country endures a cost of living crisis, the public sector aristocracy continues to thrive.”

Read the full article here.


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