Labour Market

IEA: Attacking CEO pay “stokes public hostility” and “misleads workers”

Commenting on the High Pay Centre’s analysis of FTSE 100 CEO salaries, Director General at the Institute of Economic Affairs Mark Littlewood said:

“Comparing CEO salaries to the average salary serves to stoke public hostility, and misleads workers to believe that cuts at the top end will directly translate to top-ups at the bottom.

“In today’s globalised economy, the role of the chief executive has become significantly more important; the successes, failures and sudden departures of CEOs can increase or diminish a company’s worth by billions of pounds – which can also result in the gain or loss of thousands of jobs.

“By continuing our obsession with high pay, we dismiss the achievements of successful CEOs which benefit employees and customers alike; and we distract ourselves from tackling the critical issue of low pay and the cost of living crisis.”

Notes to editors:

For media enquiries please contact Emily Carver, Media Manager | 07715 942 731

For further IEA reading on executive and high pay, click here.

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