Housing and Planning

Housing Crisis Warnings Have Been Ignored for Decades


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Times

IEA research referenced in The Telegraph

No Room! No Room! The Costs of the British Town and Country Planning System, an IEA paper by Professor Alan Evans published in 1988 has been referenced in The Daily Telegraph.

The article said:

“It’s something the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA) has been warning about since the late 80s, explaining that the high price of property, and the temptation to thus invest in it, will result in ‘a lack of incentive to save and, in consequence, lower rates of saving, investment, and economic growth than would otherwise occur’.”

The article also referenced Graphic Content, a new paper by IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh explaining how red tape has exacerbated the cost-of-living crisis:

“For example, the Tories have wasted billions on giveaways like Help to Buy, which, as a report published by the IEA in February found, does very little to help get young people on the property ladder and instead stimulates demand for a product in short supply thus raising prices further.”

IEA Communications Officer Harrison Griffiths was quoted in the piece, saying:

“[The Conservative Party] are exclusively catering to their existing voter base, namely home-owning Baby Boomers, but in doing so, they have eroded their future electoral base.”

Read the full article here.

Read No Room! No Room! The Costs of the British Town and Country Planning System by Professor Alan Evans here. (You can also read IEA Editorial Director Kristian Niemietz’s review of No Room! No Room! here.)

Read Graphic Content: How red tape is fuelling the cost of living crisis by IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh here.

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