
Housing Crisis is Undermining Social Mobility


In the Media

Tom Clougherty writes for The Times

IEA Research feature in The Yorkshire Times

Wealth Generation: How to boost income mobility in the UK, new IEA research arguing that regulatory restrictions on housing and the labour market are undermining social mobility has been featured in The Yorkshire Times.

The piece said:

“The authors, academics Dr Justin Callais and Dr Vincent Geloso, say that the inability to build homes near better paying jobs prevents social mobility. They cite US evidence that shows households could be hundreds of thousands of pounds better off over their lifetimes if they could move to areas that offer more job opportunities.

“Planning restrictions disproportionately benefit existing wealthy homeowners, who can pass the gains of high house prices down to the next generation. These restrictions have also increased housing costs significantly. They cite research estimating that in the absence of regulatory barriers, house prices in the 2000s would have been 35% lower than they actually were.”

Read the full piece here.

The research was also featured in the Lancashire Times.

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