High spending is not improving NHS waiting lists


In the Media

Victoria Hewson writes for City AM

In the Media

Victoria Hewson comments for The Express

Christopher Snowdon comments for the Daily Mail

Christopher Snowdon, IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics, has commented for the Daily Mail on reports that, due to the length of the NHS backlog, the organisation’s target of 85% of cancer patients receiving treatment within two months will not be achieved by March 2023.

Christopher highlighted that in spite of the high level of NHS spending, long waiting lists are yet to improve.

“One in nine people in Britain are on an NHS waiting list.”

“This is an appalling statistic when you consider that one in eight pounds earned in this country is spent on healthcare.”

“The bottom line is that we need more beds and more doctors. Despite spending more on healthcare than most developed countries we have far too few of each”

Read the full article here.

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