Energy and Environment

Green innovation should be led by business, not bureaucrats



Christopher Snowdon writes in The Mail

In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Daily Mail

Andy Mayer writes for CapX

IEA Chief Operating Officer and Energy Analyst Andy Mayer has argued against state electric vehicle subsidies in CapX.

Focusing his ire at central planners, Andy wrote:

“The issue is not the automotive industry. Britain’s manufacturers produce just under 1m of the 60-70m of cars made annually worldwide, and 1.6m conventional engines, most of which are exported.

“The problem lies with politicians who believe they can command the industry to change faster, to hit their targets for a Net Zero future by the arbitrary date of 2050. They assume that today’s success can be easily converted to the industry of the future.”

Andy argued for a free market alternative, writing:

“The free market alternative is to let supply adapt to demand at the unpredictable pace of innovation, rather than trying to force demand and invention by directing supply. The charger network should just be allowed to emerge, paid for by early adopters and businesses wishing to attract EV customers.”

You can read the full article here.

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