Global Britain still faces challenges five years after the referendum


In the Media

IEA cited in The Times

Annabel Denham writes for The Spectator

In an article for The Spectator, IEA Director of Communications Annabel Denham explored the challenges advocates of ‘global Britain’ face five years on from the historic Brexit vote.

Annabel argued that wild predictions of economic collapse peddled by the  remain campaign have been proven to be untrue. Although she admits there are still problems to be solved over the Northern Ireland Protocol, post-Brexit Britain is set to enjoy higher GDP growth than our EU friends and has benefited form an independent vaccine strategy.

Annabel turned her attention to the future threats facing  Britain, saying “‘global Britain’ still faces many hurdles, with a mercantilist and militarist China topping the list, putting certain free trade pursuits in peril. Unlike prognostications from some Remainers, this is a threat that may not evaporate on contact with reality“.

Read the full article here.

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