Lifestyle Economics

Fast food paternalism will hit small businesses hardest


In the Media

Julian Jessop comments for the Express

Society and Culture

Christopher Snowdon writes for the Express

Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics at the IEA, has commented on the government’s Health and Care Bill, which MPs will vote on today.

The Bill, which targets the sale of junk food, will, as Chris highlights, “impose some of the most draconian restrictions on the sale and marketing of food anywhere in the world.”

When MPs go to vote today, Christopher argues that there are some major factors to consider.

“The food industry will become less competitive and less innovative. The government’s own estimates suggest that the ban on price promotions, such as buy-one-get-one-free, could cost the average shopper £634 a year and that the whole raft of measures will only reduce people’s energy intake by 17 calories a day”

“Mandatory calorie labelling sounds like a good idea in theory but it would be impossible for independent pubs, cafés and restaurants to comply in practice. They do not have the resources to undertake a scientific analysis of every dish of the day.”

Read the full article here.

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