Labour Market

Fading job market resilience


In the Media

Julian Jessop quoted in the Times, Daily Mail, Business Matters, Times of Northern Ireland, and Mail+

Government and Institutions

Len Shackleton quoted in The Express

IEA Editorial and research fellow Len Shackleton has been quoted in The Express, responding to ONS’ August figures on the labour force.

Len said:

“Today’s delayed and cobbled-together labour market data give a picture little different from that we saw last month. Employment and the employment rate are down slightly, vacancies rather more so, while unemployment is a bit higher.

“The buoyancy we saw for so long seems gone out of the jobs market, although pay increases remain higher than expected, just about outstripping inflation to give small real pay increases. We are not in recession, but we are not in a good place either.”

Read the full article here.

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