
Extra cash for NHS could be wasted on staff pay


In the Media

Annabel Denham writes for The Telegraph

In the Media

Annabel Denham quoted in the Daily Mail

Julian Jessop & Len Shackleton quoted in the Mail Online

IEA Editorial & Research Fellow, Professor Len Shackleton and IEA Economics Fellow Julian Jessop were both quoted in the Mail Online suggesting extra cash for the NHS to deal with a patient backlog could be frittered away on staff pay, not front line health care.

Julian argued: “There is a risk that a temporary increase in spending on the NHS, to fix a temporary problem, becomes baked into the system, particularly via higher pay“.

Len Shackleton added: “The NHS is a huge employer, and any move to increase pay above the level already budgeted for will eat into the new funds made available“.

Read the full article here.

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