Lifestyle Economics

End the war on smokers


In the Media

Marc Glendening writes for Conservative Home

Christopher Snowdon writes in The Spectator

The IEA’s Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has written for The Spectator urging the Health Secretary to leave smokers alone.

Outlining the extent of the government’s crackdown on cigarettes, Christopher wrote:

“A pack of cigarettes costs £13, you can’t smoke them anywhere except outdoors and in private dwellings, they haven’t been advertised for 20 years, they are hidden behind shutters in shops and have been in beige packaging with gruesome photographs since 2017.”

Christopher urged the new Health Secretary to go no further, arguing:

“Having exhausted every sensible idea to deter people from smoking – and several half-mad ones – we have surely reached the point at which the individual’s right to choose is respected. My body, my choice, as they say.”

The full article can be read here.

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