
Election Campaign has Shirked the Big Challenges


In the Media

IEA research featured on the Adam Smith Works podcast

In the Media

Matthew Lesh quoted in The Express

Matthew Lesh writes for ConservativeHome

IEA Director of Public Policy and Communications Matthew Lesh has written for ConservativeHome arguing that the General Election campaign has, so far, barely touched the surface of the big issues facing Britain’s economy.

Matthew wrote:

“The elephant in the room is Britain’s funk. We are emerging from a long period of economic stagnation, yet the lack of reform stifles immediate prospects of hope. Taxes are at a seventy-year high, but the funds are hardly well-spent. Britain’s ageing population is a ticking time bomb for the public finances, and the obsession with a riskless society is pushing us towards a European model of hyperregulation stifling innovation.

“So far in this campaign, the big questions are going unasked, let alone answered. The best we can hope for is that whoever enters Downing Street next month in the face of a daunting in-tray will be willing to pursue a transformative enough agenda to prevent Britain from drifting further into decline.”

Read Matthew’s full piece here.

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