
Economic recovery may be closer than we think


In the Media

Jamie Legg writes in The Telegraph

In the Media

Sam Collins writes in The Express

IEA Senior Policy Advisor Sam Collins has written in The Daily Express arguing that positive economic developments might just be on the horizon.

Sam wrote:

“When you are 20 points behind in the polls and the IMF is predicting the economy to grow slower than Russia’s war-ravaged one, it can be natural for a government to seize on any good news as a drowning man grabbing at a life preserver.

“Yet, whisper it, there may yet be some faint signals of positive news amongst the flotsam and jetsam of economic reporting.

“Petrol prices have fallen 20 percent from their highs in 2022. Energy prices will, according to the latest forecasts, fall from £4,279 today to almost half that level in July. This will mean a drop of more than 25 percent between April and July.”

Read the full article here.

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