
Despite the scientific evidence, Plan B is going ahead

Christopher Snowdon writes for The Spectator

Christopher Snowdon, the IEA’s Head of Lifestyle Economics, has penned an article for the The Spectator outlining his thoughts on why the government has chosen to introduce further measures in the fight against Omicron.

Christopher points to a myriad of evidence suggesting that Plan B need not go ahead and subsequently raises the question of what alternative motivation Boris might have to introduce such regulations.

“Did scientists publish new evidence showing that the vaccines are no use against Omicron? Not at all. Instead, we got the first glimpse of a study showing that three doses of the Pfizer vaccine are extremely effective against the variant.”

“We may never know whether the new Christmas restrictions were designed to take the our minds off the government ignoring last year’s Christmas restrictions. Either way, Boris Johnson has displayed an appallingly cavalier approach to liberty.”

Read the full article here.

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