Energy and Environment

COP27 a wasted opportunity for Sunak to get real on climate policy

Emily Carver writes for Conservative Home

IEA Head of Media Emily Carver has written for Conservative Home lamenting Rishi Sunak’s appearance at the COP27 climate summit.

Outlining the scale of Sunak’s climate pledges at the summit, Emily wrote:

“Taking to the stage, he recommitted the UK to spending £11.6bn on international climate finance.

As part of this, he tripled Britain’s funding on climate adaptation to £1.5 billion by 2025. Headline announcements included £90m on conservation in the Congo Basin, £65m for the Nature, People and Climate Investment Fund, which supports indigenous and local forest communities, and £65.5m for the Clean Energy Innovation Facility, which goes towards green technology and clean energy innovations in developing countries.

In the same speech, he spoke of the “difficult decisions” he’s preparing to take at home to ensure confidence and economic stability in Britain.”

Emily also highlighted the absurdity of these promises in the context of an energy crisis at home:

“Now, as Britain stares down a winter energy crisis, this Government seems determined to continue with the anti-growth policies which left us so vulnerable to external shocks, even when it comes to pioneering greener energy.

Sunak seems unwilling to tear down legal barriers to building more onshore wind farms and our first attempt to expand our nuclear capacity, the new reactor at Sizewell C, seems destined to be bogged down in legal and regulatory challenges for years to come.”

Emily’s full column can be read here.


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