
Britain no longer lags behind EU superpowers post-Brexit


In the Media

Christopher Snowdon quoted in The Daily Mail

In the Media

Matthew Lesh writes in City AM

Government and Institutions

Julian Jessop quoted in The Daily Mail and GB News

Analysis by IEA Economics Fellow Julian Jessop on Britain’s post-Brexit economic performance has been referenced in The Daily Mail and GB News after Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey argued that some Brexit opportunities had made the UK more resilient to recent economic turmoil.

The GB News article said:

“Julian Jessop, economics fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said that UK GDP has grown by 8.4 per cent since leaving the EU.

“His analysis puts Britain ahead of France and Germany, who are at 5.7 per cent growth.”

The Daily Mail wrote:

“He said of the Bank’s apparent change of tone: ‘There is a recognition that Brexit has happened. And if you look at the areas for which [the Bank] are responsible, then there are some big upsides here.’

“Mr Jessop said the Bank had always been more positive about the impact of Brexit on the financial sector than on the wider economy. It has enabled reforms, including freeing up pension fund cash to be invested in long-term UK infrastructure as well as scrapping the cap on banker bonuses.”

Read the full Daily Mail article here and the GB News article here.

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