Government and Institutions

Britain becoming a ‘paternalist’s paradise’


mask covid

Mark Littlewood writes for the Daily Mail

In the Media

IEA research cited in The Times Scotland

Government and Institutions

Annabel Denham writes for The Telegraph

In an op-ed for The Telegraph, IEA Director of Communications Annabel Denham wrote about the growing threats to freedom and liberty from health chiefs, the woke BBC agenda and other nanny state advocates.

Annabel focuses on censorship in advertising, warning that bans on ‘junk food’ ads represents a real threat to freedom of speech, expressing the concerns laid out in new IEA research, ‘Ad Break: Why Curbs on Advertising Harm Free Speech‘ by Len Shackleton.

Annabel said: ” We are swiftly moving into Orwellian territory, with the Advertising Standard Authority’s regulatory powers and influence creeping into ever more areas of our society and culture. By seemingly imposing its own attitudes on the advertising industry, the body is foisting its worldview upon an often-unassuming general public“.

Read the full article here.

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