
Brexit opportunities aren’t just for The City

Sam Collins quoted in The Express

IEA Senior Policy Advisor Sam Collins has been featured in The Daily Express commenting on proposals to reform financial sector regulations to boost growth.

Responding to the so-called ‘Edinburgh Reforms’, Sam commented:

“The 44-day Truss Administration has been blamed by Rishi Sunak and his Chancellor for many of the economic problems Britain now faces. But in one area, they have taken on board Truss’s small-state, low-regulation philosophy and are running with it.”

Sam did, however, warn that Brexit opportunities outside of The City were still being squandered, saying:

“Prioritising economic growth to make Britain a richer and more successful country, as Truss attempted to do, was a worthy ambition. The tragedy is not that our financial services sector will find itself in a race to the bottom, but rather that as financial institutions in the City reap the rewards of buccaneering free-market reforms, elsewhere the UK economy will continue to languish. In the rest of our economy, Brexit opportunities will remain untapped.”

You can read the full article here.

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