Energy and Environment

Boiler tax return



Kristian Niemietz featured in the Telegraph


Kristian Niemietz quoted in The Telegraph

Andy Mayer writes for The Telegraph

IEA Energy Analyst Andy Mayer has written for the Telegraph on reports that the Government are set to bring back the ‘boiler tax’.

Andy wrote:

“Will Ed Miliband never learn? While electric heat pumps are a perfectly respectable choice for heating your home, particularly modern ‘sealed box’ new builds, or those without a gas supply, the person best placed to make that choice is you, not a Minister. The ‘Boiler Tax’ or Clean Heat Market Mechanism, attempts to force suppliers of gas boilers to sell an increasing market share of pumps until 600,000 are sold every year by 2028. The Conservatives conceived the policy, then delayed it until 2025, and now admit they should have killed it.

Miliband, an veteran interventionist and tinkerer, who often conveys a sense he would happily double energy bills, bankrupt industry, and risk blackouts rather than miss a climate target, clearly loves it. Whatever you think of Net Zero however, the policy is bad. Forcing boiler makers to make and sell heat pumps is like requiring teapot makers to launch cafetieres. It’s like chaining a carthorse to a racehorse and being puzzled why the performance of both degrades. They’re different products, made in different factories, for different markets, using different processes, with different challenges.”

You can read Andy’s full piece here

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