Lifestyle Economics

Covid-19 is an opportunity the nanny statists have seized, says Snowdon


Economic Theory

Mark Littlewood writes for the Institute of Arts and Ideas

Christopher Snowdon writes for The Spectator USA

Public health groups have quickly realised “the public are willing to temporarily sacrifice liberty for safety” and seized the opportunity to push pet policies as a help or solution to the coronavirus crisis, says Christopher Snowdon, Head of Lifestyle Economics for the Institute of Economic Affairs.

Writing for The Spectator USA, Christopher gives examples of South Africa banning the sale of alcohol and tobacco during their lockdown and the US Surgeon General linking vaping to the virus with no evidence.

Christopher notes “there is something almost heroic about single-issue pressure groups insisting that their longstanding pet policies just happen to be the solution to a black swan event in a world turned upside down.”

Read the full piece here.

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