Monetary Policy

Bank of England’s reckless behaviour challenged by think tanks


In the Media

Professor Len Shackleton quoted in Yahoo! Sport

Government and Institutions

Mark Littlewood in Politics Home

IEA’s Director General, Mark Littlewood, has been mentioned in Politics Home for his involvement in the creation of a new group designed to keep reckless Bank of England behaviour in check.

Politics Home wrote:

“A group of peers, think tanks and economic experts are set to launch a new parliamentary group focused on pressuring government to overhaul the Bank of England’s current powers, including its ability to print money and buy bonds through Quantitative Easing (QE).

“Lord Hannan, a Conservative peer since 2021, will host the launch of Honest Money Initiative (HMI) which aims to lobby for reform of Britain’s monetary system. It is supported by Mark Littlewood from the Institute of Economic Affairs and Eamon Butler from the Adam Smith Institute.”

You can read the full article here.

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