Monetary Policy

Bank of England should halt ‘destabilising’ bond sell-off


In the Media

Matthew Lesh quoted in Conservative Home

IEA research featured in The Times

The New Great Inflation, a new paper authored by Sir John Redwood MP and published by the IEA has been featured in The Times.

The article read:

“Sir John Redwood, the MP for Wokingham, in a paper published by the Institute of Economic Affairs, called on the Bank to hold off on shrinking its balance sheet via asset sales to avoid sparking volatility in financial markets that could spill into the real economy.

“His demand comes after the Bank last week announced plans to offload £100 billion of bonds over the next 12 months, a step up from the £80 billion it ditched last year. This balance sheet trimming will be driven by a combination of active bond sales and a chunk of the Bank’s assets reaching maturity.

“Redwood blamed the Bank, the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank for engineering the inflation crisis by persisting with bond purchases for too long.”

Read the full article here.

The paper was also featured in The Daily Express, Politico, Portfolio Advisor, and The Lancashire Times.

Read a full copy of The New Great Inflation: How Western Central Banks Got It Wrong…and What They Should Do About It, here.

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