Lifestyle Economics

Alcohol advertising restrictions are not evidence-based


In the Media

Mark Littlewood writes in The Times

IEA research featured in The Times

Alcohol Advertising: What does the evidence show?, research by IEA Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon has been featured in The Times.

The article reads:

“This summer, the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA), a London-based free market think tank, conducted a study into alcohol advertising. It reported that while advertising can increase the sale of individual brands, in mature markets, it ‘does not increase aggregate sales of the type of product being advertised’. It may boost a competitor’s market share but it doesn’t boost total sales.

“A small number of studies that looked at the impact of alcohol advertising bans show the prohibition produced ‘mixed results’ and the majority found ‘no impact on aggregate sales’, surely the key goal of such bans. The IEA concluded that the study of alcohol advertising poses several methodological challenges, yet there is no robust evidence in favour of bans: ‘Banning alcohol advertising should not be presented as an evidence-based policy.’ Not that that will stop the permanent government.”

Read the full article here.

You can also read a full copy of Alcohol Advertising: What does the evidence show? here.

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