Society and Culture

Abortion buffer zones are a bad omen for liberal democracy

Marc Glendening writes for 1828

IEA Head of Cultural Affairs Marc Glendening has written for 1828 arguing that proposals to censor anti-abortion within 150 metres of abortion clinics represents another nail in the coffin of free speech in Britain.

Discussing the amendment to the Public Order Bill that would censor pro-life viewpoints, Marc wrote:

“Interference is equated in [Stella Creasy’s] amendment not with physical harassment but rather in terms of seeking to ‘influence… attempts to inform about abortion services by any means including… verbal or written means.’ The provision states that the anti-abortion demonstrators could not be in a location that is ‘visible from a public highway’. In other words, the right to contest the issue of abortion would be effectively removed in this context.”

Marc also said:

“What we are witnessing through the adoption of the view that the law should protect people from the supposed psychological harm of anti-abortion and trans-sceptical viewpoints, is the beginning of the end for liberal democracy.

“Once a society loses the will and belief to stand firm in defence of the right to free expression for all, as a matter of principle, then a profoundly alarming political transformation has been embarked upon.”

You can read Marc’s full article here.

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