Housing and Planning

A Thriving YIMBY Future is Within Our Grasp



Kristian Niemietz writes for The Telegraph

In the Media

Len Shackleton quoted in PoliticsHome

Kristian Niemietz writes for CapX

IEA Editorial Director Kristian Niemietz has written for CapX discussing his recent report sketching out a future in which Britain has liberalised its burdensome planning laws and unleashed a house building boom.

Kristian wrote:

“Yimbys lack class consciousness. They do not act upon their political preferences. They do not represent an electoral bloc that a political party, or a faction within a party, could woo.

“But what if they did? What if the Yimbys became politically self-aware? What if they started to systematically punish Nimby policies, and reward Yimby ones, ideally regardless of party affiliation or faction?

“These are the questions I try to answer in my new paper ‘Home Win: What if Britain Solved its Housing Crisis?‘, published this month by the Institute of Economic Affairs. It describes a possible future Britain in which the Yimbys wake up, and manage to push housing policy in their direction.

“I am not describing a utopia. I am merely describing a country where people are allowed to put bricks on top of other bricks, if doing so serves a useful purpose. Nonetheless, that Yimby Britain would be a much richer and happier place than the one we currently live in.”

Read Kristian’s full piece here.

You can also read a copy of Home Win: What if Britain Solved its Housing Crisis?.

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