Initiative for African Trade and Prosperity.

The future of African trade is at a crossroads. With the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area on January 1st, 2021, African states have an opportunity to break free from the shackles of economic nationalism that have plagued large swathes of the continent for centuries. The benefits of African free trade are numerous, however, as are the challenges.

Our mission is to champion free market policies by supporting those in Africa who are best positioned to make a change.

To achieve its mission, the Initiative for African Trade and Prosperity (IATP) partners with a plethora of think tanks, universities, and local actors to help make their voices that push for greater freedom more effective and louder. The IATP is guided by the core belief that bottom-up free market policies are the most effective way to alleviate poverty, amplify individual liberty, and create a more peaceful future.

By no means does the IATP impose its beliefs on others. Rather, we work with and serve local actors interested in discovering more and creating outputs that champion classical economics and greater free trade, which in turn, means greater prosperity for all. Read more about what we do here.

The IATP was created thanks to the generous support of the Atlas Network and we are grateful to the Rising Tide Foundation for their generous and continued support.

To keep up work our work, visit our website, follow us on Twitter @the_iatp, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and visit our Facebook page.