Tax and Fiscal Policy

Unions shouldn’t march for more debt


Press Release
Press Release

The UK has a long-term growth problem which it will not solve until government spending and taxation are reduced

The motives behind the TUC march are utterly misguided

Commenting on Saturday’s TUC march, Mark Littlewood, Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“The truth is that these protestors are largely both privileged and well-paid. The issue at stake is whether those in relatively well paid jobs in the public sector should to be subsidised by those in the private sector who earn less.

“The reforms the unions oppose are necessary to tackle the deficit and increasing debt. Public spending is around 47% of GDP and the deficit this year alone is forecast to be around £92bn. We simply cannot borrow indefinitely to bolster the public sector.

“The government must not listen to militant union leaders. The cuts we have seen are tiny and further concessions to these protestors would be wholly unaffordable. Protestors are enraged by tiny reductions in spending and want to splurge more money today at the expense of future generations who will be hamstrung by debt. This is greedy and immoral.”

Notes to editors

To arrange an interview with an IEA spokesperson, please contact Stephanie Lis, Director of Communications: 020 7799 8909,

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