Labour Market

Today’s strike is that of the privileged and protected


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Mark Littlewood comments on today's strike action

Commenting on today’s strike action, Mark Littlewood, Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“Today’s strike is a protest by the privileged and the protected. Public sector pay is higher than private sector pay. Public sector job security is far higher. Public sector pension provision is enormously more generous than can even be dreamt of by many workers in the private sector.

“The government’s proposed reforms are incredibly mild.

“Those taking industrial action today aren’t merely causing substantial disruption to millions of people – they also expect those very same people to continue to pay for their excessive pensions arrangements.

“If the unions’ demands are met it would mean a further transfer of funds from the relatively poor to the relatively rich and yet more expenditure in this generation being paid for by the next generation”

Notes to editors

To arrange an interview with Mark Littlewood, IEA Director General, please contact Stephanie Lis, Communications Director, 077 5171 7781, 020 7799 8900,

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