Government and Institutions

Press Statement: Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven


Press Release

Osborne should have introduced a 40p rate to create an incentive to work an invest in Britain

Government and Institutions
Mark Littlewood, Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs said:

“Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with the family and friends of Lady Thatcher. Today Britain has lost a remarkable woman and one of the most radical and free-market leaders it has ever seen. Lady Thatcher’s passing is a great loss to the country and those working for greater freedom right across the world will miss her dearly.

“As any great leader must, Lady Thatcher made her creed the discourse of the age. She felt the public’s mood keenly; it resonated deeply with her and she was able to clearly identify, articulate and fight for what the British public wanted and needed. In this way she moulded Britain into better shape, leaving it stronger than she had found it. The reforms Lady Thatcher introduced, though deeply controversial at the time, have subsequently become accepted wisdom.

“Her greatest achievements were undoubtedly her economic reforms. During an immensely difficult time, she managed to steer the economy to safety by privatising state-owned industries, curbing the growth of government and reducing the stranglehold of the trade unions. Her long-lasting impact was to create an economically stronger Britain and the Institute of Economic Affairs is proud to have contributed to her efforts in accomplishing this task.”

Notes to editors

For any enquiries, please contact Stephanie Lis, Communications Officer: 0207 799 8900 or 07766 221 268.

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