Tax and Fiscal Policy

New IEA report shows the next government must cut spending


Press Release

Proposals announced today 'big government, not big society'

Press Release

The IEA responds to plans in Labour's manifesto

Cuts of £167bn needed to avoid tax rises under the next government
New research by the IEA shows that if the Conservatives or other parties do not want to raise taxes they must cut spending plans by £167bn. Today’s report Cutting public spending by £167bn: A modest but necessary aim sets out clearly the scale of the problem the UK is facing.

Mark Littlewood, Director General of the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“In the lead up to the political parties launching their manifestos this finding should be a massive wake up call.”

“So far we have heard precious little from any party about the need to make substantial cuts. However, if they aren’t intending to cut public spending dramatically they must be planning on raising taxes. Perhaps unsurprisingly we are yet to hear this acknowledgement from any politicians.”

“The current arguments about whether or not to raise National Insurance by a fraction are grossly inadequate. Cuts must be made far in excess of ‘efficiency savings’ or the British public may be sure their taxes will rise substantially to plug the gap. Unless serious action is taken it is possible that the next government could end up being the highest tax rising government in Britain’s history.”

To arrange an interview with Mark Littlewood, IEA Director General, please contact Stephanie Lis, Director of Communications: 020 7799 8909,

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