
Deregulation needed to restore economic growth


Labour Market

Mark Littlewood comments on the Business Secretary's proposals on executive pay

Government and Institutions

Prof Philip Booth comments on President Sarkozy's latest proposals

Government and Institutions

Prof Philip Booth comments on the latest growth figures

Commenting on today’s GDP figures, Prof Philip Booth, Editorial Director at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“It is not surprising that the latest economic growth figures are grim given the headwinds from the Eurozone. However, this should not tempt the government to change track on deficit reduction. There is no evidence that increasing government borrowing will increase economic growth. Indeed, if anything, part of the setback in growth has been caused by the necessary reversal of the irresponsible government borrowing in the immediate post-crash period.

“Whilst the government cannot solve the Eurozone crisis, it can radically deregulate the UK economy to create the best possible conditions for economic growth. The government must press ahead with planning reform and begin to deregulate the British labour market. In this area, the government has been moving in precisely the wrong direction and it must change course.”

Notes to editors

To arrange an interview with Prof Philip Booth, IEA Editorial Director, please contact Stephanie Lis, Director of Communications: 020 7799 8909,

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