Lifestyle Economics

A Sugar Tax would be ineffective and harmful


Monetary Policy

A speech at the Institute of Economic Affairs

Press Release

The IEA's reaction to the Commons debate on Tax Credits

The IEA's reaction to Jamie Oliver's proposed Sugar Tax

Commenting on Jamie Oliver’s calls to introduce a sugar tax at the Health Select Committee today, Chris Snowdon, Director of Lifestyle Economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said:

“Sugar taxes are incredibly inefficient and are particularly damaging to people on low incomes. The UK should learn from international evidence – in Denmark a fat tax was instituted and abandoned just 15 months later – and avoid going down this route.”

‘If Jamie Oliver thinks sugar is so dangerous, he should stop selling fizzy drinks altogether. He should also stop selling recipe books full of sugar-laden cakes, biscuits, drinks and main courses. He won’t, of course, because as a businessman he understands the concept of free choice and as a chef he understands tasty food.”

Notes to editors:
To arrange an interview with an IEA spokesperson, please contact Stephanie Lis, Head of Communications: 07766 221 268,

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