Want Better British Healthcare? Watch This Now

In this explainer video, Kristian Niemietz, Editorial Director at the Institute of Economic Affairs, challenges the long-held notion of the NHS as an untouchable institution in British politics. He introduces his new IEA discussion paper, The Denationalisation of Healthcare, which examines how the public discourse around the NHS has shifted in recent years, allowing for more open criticism and exploration of alternatives.

Niemietz argues that Social Health Insurance (SHI) systems, common in European countries, consistently outperform the NHS in healthcare outcomes and waiting times while maintaining comparable costs. He addresses the key questions that critics of the NHS often struggle with: how an SHI system would work in the British context, what it would mean for individual patients, and how a transition from the current system could be implemented without significant disruption.

Drawing on the experiences of countries that have successfully transitioned from NHS-type systems to SHI models, Niemietz outlines a potential path for the UK to follow. This video offers a thought-provoking perspective on the future of healthcare in Britain, challenging viewers to consider alternatives to the NHS and envision a healthcare system that could better serve the nation’s needs.