THINK 2016: Dr Abby Hall Blanco on “Economics and War”

Watch Dr Abby Hall Blanco deliver her THINK 2016 speech on “Economics and War”.

What can economics tell us about war and how can we understand it better through the lens of economics? Is war not simply anti-economic activity par excellence? Does an economic approach to understanding war and conflict suggest ways of avoiding such things or mitigating them? What are the implications of this topic for our understanding of other issues?

Abby Hall Blanco is an Assistant Professor in Economics at the University of Tampa in Tampa, Florida. She is a Research Fellow with the Independent Institute, a non-partisan research and educational think tank based out of Oakland, California and an affiliated scholar with the Foundation for Economic Education.

The IEA’s THINK conference THINK brings together some of the most prominent and thought-provoking economists from all over the world for a one-day conference targeted at those under 30.

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