Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP on the Chinese Regime

With the recent news that Boris Johnson has praised MPs censured by Beijing for ‘shining a light’ on human rights abuses, Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP gives his view on the Chinese regime in an IEA Webinar (from October 2020). He explains that in his opinion China poses a huge threat for the free and liberal world. He touches on China’s treatment of the Uighurs, Tibet and Inner Mongolia along with its expansion into the South China Sea. Sir Iain also highlights China’s relationship with Hong Kong and Taiwan. The full video can be found here: Iain spoke at the webinar about how the United Kingdoms’ future relations with China are at a crossroads. Also speaking at the webinar was Professor Syed Kamall (IEA Academic and Research Director) ; Damián Green MP ( Former First Secretary of State); Mark Littlewood, (IEA Director General) and Dr Steve Davies (IEA Head of Education).