Live with Littlewood – with Mike Graham, Iain Martin, Mark Wallace and many more

This week will mark a year since the Boris Johnson first entered Downing Street. Since then, he has won an election, implemented the Withdrawal Agreement, shut down the nation, brushed with death, and faced criticism over aspects of this government’s handling of the Covid pandemic. Tensions with China are mounting and now, a report from the Intelligence and Security Committee has concluded that Russian interference is “the new normal”. Is Tobias Ellwood MP right that the UK is set to be part of a “new cold war”? Join our guests for what promises to be a fascinating, insightful discussion.

On the panel:

  • Rachel Cunliffe, Opinion and Features Editor, City AM

  • Dr Stephen Davies, Head of Education, Institute of Economic Affairs

  • Mike Graham, Presenter, talkRADIO

  • Leo Kearse, Comedian

  • Iain Martin, Columnist, The Times

  • John O’Connell, Chief Executive, TaxPayers’ Alliance

  • Benedict Spence, Political Commentator

  • Mark Wallace, Chief Executive, ConservativeHome

  • Cindy Yu, Broadcast Editor, The Spectator